Wednesday, June 9, 2010

bumps in the road...

Since I last updated, a few things have gone awry....I seriously damaged my big toe on a "trip" (haha) to Las Vegas, and Rox came in from the pasture lame. My toe is feeling better, and it has been about 5 days since it happened, so I don't think it's broken anymore. It is turning lovely shades of purple and green now. Rox on the other hand I am not 100% sure about. The inside of her left front leg was stocked up and hot from just underneath her chestnut (above her knee) down to her pastern. It was the hottest initially on the inside of her knee, and we poked and prodded her quite a bit so I don't think it's tendon related. It's also very strange that it's only the inside of her leg that is big, not the whole leg. This happened on Monday, and she looked much better yesterday after some bute, cold hosing, and walking. I think she will be just fine and it was just a bang in the pasture, but the closing date for the FRVPC HT where she will be doing her first Novice with me was yesterday. Crossing my fingers like mad that she really is fine so I don't have to scratch and lose the entry fees. We were also supposed to have a jump lesson with Cathy Jones this Friday, so that's out now too. She got a chiro adjustment yesterday and Randi said she loved it and he was able to do a lot with her. The chiro said he thinks the leg shouldn't be a big issue and worked on it a bit, which Randi said reduced the swelling some too.

The good news in all of this is that she has been schooling fabulously, both on the flat and jumping. I am feeling like I can really push her on the flat now and get a much bigger, fancier trot that she was able to do a few weeks ago. Her muscling looks great and I really notice development in her topline as well as her hind end. She actually did a few legitmate trot lengthenings where I could feel her really let go of her shoulder and push from behind. It's exciting when you work hard with a horse who used to fight so much and now she is getting to be so steady and willing to do what I ask.

We had a great jump school a few weeks ago in the short shank Pelham bit with 2 reins. I don't love riding with 2 reins, but the bit seemed to really help her lift her shoulder and we didn't have to have any disagreements about balancing and slowing down. She was jumping in more of an arc and out of stride, so I was really pleased. We even jumped a vertical that was at least 3'3 and she did it well and landed in balance.

I will most likely get on her today to tack walk and see how she feels...more updates later!

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